Sunday, December 12, 2004

Is Team Nursing really like a military unit?

If you ever were in the military you might be able to relate to this blog/rss posting here at The Healthcare Blog. I found it while looking for rss and Nurse. In case you are wondering what the heck I am talking's a way for people to keep up with subjects that interest them. It's called RSS or Really Simple Syndication. The basics are this: you download some software to your computer. you subscribe to your favorite websites who publish RSS formatted news, articles etc. Whenever there is something new published the software you downloaded lets you know and gives you a title and a short description. If it is something interesting you can go read the whole article. If not, you can ignore it. It's sort of like a blog that tells you when anything new has been added without you having to go to the website to find out. Some folks say RSS and Blogging will do away with traditional news feeds and e-zines. The jury is still out on that.

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